Outdoor Playhouse Decoration Ideas 2021

A playhouse is a unique opportunity for your child to build and maintain his or her universe. It is an opportunity to discover a whole new world of joy, fun, and adventure lead by children's limitless imagination.

While WholeWoodPlayhouses offers a whole variety of wooden playhouses that fit any taste, landscape, and age, it will be essential for your kid to add some personal touch to its décor and make it an ultimately unique and safe space.

Continue reading, and you will learn how to help your kid decorate an outdoor playhouse safely, create a playhouse interior that reflects your child's individuality and maintain it.

Why an Outdoor Playhouse?

Before we get down to decoration, let's determine why you got your child an outdoor playhouse at all. It is crucial to consider a kid's habits and expectation from his or her wooden playhouse to create a truly comfortable, safe, and fun interior for it.

Here are the fundamental benefits of getting an outdoor playhouse for your child:

  • An all-weather outdoor play area – in this case, you should consider thermal balance inside the wooden playhouse to make it safe both in the summer and in the winter. Also, make sure to think through waterproofing and adjust the interior accordingly;
  • A safe space, your child's universe – no matter what your interior design tastes are, a playhouse is entirely kid's space. You should decorate it according to the child's taste and preferences, including colors, wall decorations, etc.;
  • A place to read, sleep, play – make sure that the playhouse's interior is comfortable and safe for the activities your child mostly does there. A reading area should have good lighting, while an artistic workshop should have some comfortable storage.

An outdoor playhouse is something more than a way to pull your children away from the gadgets and encourage them to play outside. It is their kingdom, their universe, and it is up to them entirely how they will use and decorate it.

However, there is nothing more exciting than helping your kids reveal their creativity while personalizing and decorating their wooden playhouses.

“Design is coming to grips with one's real lifestyle, one's real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one's well-being.”
-Albert Hadley

Why Decorate a Playhouse at all?

Indeed, the idea of having an outdoor playhouse is pretty thrilling itself. So is there any point in decorating it?

Let's put it this way, as thrilling as it is, a brand-new wooden playhouse is only 50% of the joy from the whole project itself. Child psychology experts claim that letting your kids decorate and design the interior of their playhouses is crucial for their creativity, imagination, and self-expression – the three whales of healthy mental development.

Above all, decorating an outdoor playhouse allows to:

  • Theme and adjust its purpose – it can be a home theatre, a superhero's lair, etc.;
  • Build child's self-esteem and demonstrate your willingness to let children make their own decisions;
  • Create precious life-lasting memories from a fun, bonding, and educational activity.

As you see, decorating a wooden playhouse together with your children or letting them do it themselves will help you build and enhance their creativity and learn a lot about kids` developing personalities. Along with being fun and joyful, it is also a valuable and educational experience.


Pink Wooden Playhouse with white roof and wooden terrace with handmade wooden railing by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Unicorn

White and Black Wooden Playhouse with cozy loft and black roof by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Grand Farmhouse

Blue Wooden Playhouse with white roof and the round top window on green lawn by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Bluebird

A Guide to Decorating a Playhouse

To begin, the way you will be able to decorate and personalize your kids outdoor playhouse mainly depends on which material it is made of.

You may have some trouble when you try to color a plastic playhouse or put some shelves there. Make sure to consider all those peculiarities before you start the project.

One boy painting a wooden playhouse by WholeWoodPlayhouses


In case you have chosen a plastic playhouse, it will be pretty hard to repaint it. That is why it is crucial to consider the color pattern when you buy the plastic playhouse, as you won't be able to change it later on.

As for the wooden playhouses, they provide you and your child almost limitless field for creative imagination when it comes to painting. Moreover, painting a wooden playhouse is not just a decorative but also a maintenance measure. It will help significantly improve its weather-proof features.

However, you still cannot just grab any paint to decorate an outdoor playhouse. First, you should know what kind of wood you are dealing with. How it has been treated, to be precise.

Whether you plan to paint the outdoor playhouse together with your children or let them take over the process entirely, it is crucial to go over all surfaces and make sure that there are no wood chips or splinters. If you find any, sand them down before painting.

It is crucial to let your kids make their own decision while choosing color patterns or stencils for painting a playhouse. You may advise basing on your experience and vision of the overall theme, but don't forget that you had enough opportunities to be creative while decorating your own house. It is your child's project.

Here is a step-by-step guide to a safe and seamless playhouse painting procedure:

  • Go through all the surfaces and get rid of cracks and splinters;
  • Clean all the dirt and dust and prime the wood;
  • Apply undercoat;
  • Let dry and sand the surface;
  • Apply topcoats or satin finish for the glossy effect.

If you want to paint window frames or doors of the playhouse, make sure to deal with them last as the painting process may get pretty messy, and you may waste some time on re-doing things if you paint windows and doors first.

Playhouse Interior Design

Once the paint is dry, you may pass to the most exciting part of the project – decorating the outdoor playhouse's interior to make it an ultimately unique personal space for your kid.

Here are some essential decorative elements that will instantly give a wooden playhouse its personality:

  • Wall art, posters, and stencil designs;
  • Home textile-like blankets and through pillows and a rug;
  • Curtains;
  • Lighting;
  • A blackboard, aboard for markers or any other surface where your child can draw, write and then erase and re-do the decoration;
  • Shelves and storage units for books, board games, toys, etc.

Remember that all those playhouse decorations can be both beautiful and functional. Blanket and trough pillows will be perfect for sleepovers, good lighting is crucial for your tiny "book worms," and thought-through storage is necessary for a small handyperson, his or her tools, and equipment.

However, remember that we are talking about very limited space. Overloading it may not just be uncomfortable but also pretty dangerous, increasing the risks of head-hitting or tripping.

What Else Can I Add to a Playhouse?

There are numerous ways to personalize and decorate kids playhouses. Most of them are accessible, easy to install, and adjust as soon as the seasons, holidays, or your child's tastes and preferences change.

Here are some ideas:

  • Cushions and blankets – many soft and cuddly cushions are a perfect alternative for the playhouse furniture. They create a relaxed atmosphere, make wooden playhouse perfect for sleepovers and eliminate most trauma hazards. However, make sure to revise and clean them regularly to keep the playhouse sanitary safe;
  • Fairy lights and garlands – those are a perfect lighting alternative for outdoor playhouse. They also create joyful color splashes all over the house, creating the mood. You can easily install and change them throughout the year to customize the theme. For example, white, red, and green will bring Christmas mood into the playhouse while orange, black, and purple colors are perfect for Halloween;
  • DIY decorations – there are millions of fun DIY handmade crafts projects all over the Internet that you can do together with your children or let them discover their creativity themselves. Anyway, DIY crafts develop artistic taste and imagination and serve as self-esteem boosters.

These are only some out of millions of ideas that will help you and your children turn their playhouse into a unique universe, a safe space where their imagination and creativity will grow and flourish.

The only thing you really have to do is to make sure that the wooden playhouse and its decorations are entirely safe for your kids; the paint is non-toxic, there are no wood chips and splinters, and the furniture and shelves are assembled and installed firmly.

All the rest is up to you and your family's imagination, lifestyle and habits. You can join your children in this thrilling creative journey or let the situation go and take the first row at the breathtaking show of their development and self-expression.

And don't forget to have fun! It is a playhouse, after all!

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Written by WholeWoodPlayhouses


Wooden Playhouse in white color with white roof and flower boxes and a car and a dog in front by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Arctic Nario

 Wooden Playhouse Natural Wonder with wooden Flower boxes and terrace by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Natural Wonder

White and blue Wooden Playhouse Cornflower with wooden terrace on green lawn by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Cornflower