Custom Playhouse Beachside – It Is All Fun and Games!

Everyone sometimes dreams of living at the beachside. Magnificent views, clean air, and the incredible sense of unity with nature – that is why we love to spend so much time at lakesides or on the coast. It seems like a perfect place to grow your family and bring up kids.

This is exactly the dream Steve and Anna were chasing when they found their cozy lakeside house. And to make the dream even more complete and the experience full for their children, they have ordered a custom beachside playhouse for their backyard.

The house was made precisely according to the clients` design so it would match the theme and color pattern of their main house, fit into the backyard and become a centerpiece for all friends-and-family parties they plan to hold there.

However, the custom outdoor playhouse turned out to be much more than just another toy for kids or an outdoor decoration for the backyard. This beachside playhouse has been revealing its secrets throughout time.


Wooden playhouse in white color in a corner of a backyard with lights next to a tree  by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Snowy Owl

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Wooden DIY Playhouse Kit painted blue in a backyward by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Little Cottage

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Outdoor playhouse in white with two levels, slide and flowers boxes in a backyard by WholeWoodPlayhouses


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Why Get a Playhouse Living at the Beachside?

Many people may ask, what is the point of getting a wooden playhouse when you already live at such a thrilling and adventurous place for children as a lakeside?

Indeed, most experts, as well as parents worldwide, agree that in the modern world, an outdoor playhouse is mainly a tool that helps to encourage kids to spend more time outdoors. Especially if you live in the suburbia and the closest kids may get to nature is the flower bed in your backyard.

At the same time, outdoor play is essential for the development of kids` minds and bodies, gaining life experience, learning about the environment, and gaining fundamental social skills. And kids who have an outdoor playhouse are more likely to leave their gadgets and video games behind and explore the great outdoors. Even if it is as great as your backyard and the wildest thing they may meet there is your labradoodle.

Living at a lakeside seems like a totally different story. Here are much more chances to take kids on outdoor adventures, let them discover and explore, and learn something new about nature and the environment. Hiking at the lakeside is also a wonderful way to develop your kids physically. It is also a bonding and educational experience for the whole family.

So, going back to our main question, why do kids who are so lucky to live in such an area need an outdoor playhouse?

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, safety. Any thrilling adventure and epic discovery needs some guidance and supervision from adults. And as much as you want your kids to get the most out of living out in nature, you still have some prosaic grown-up stuff to do.

An outdoor playhouse is a great way to make sure that your kids enjoy their time outdoors and stay safe and supervised in a backyard.

In the case of this custom beachside playhouse, parents also got a chance to guide their kids` outdoor activities. When you just go hiking, you never know what will come across your road. On the one hand, it is great, but on the other hand, it is also nice to have more control over the skills and knowledge your kids gain.

A beachside outdoor playhouse allows parents to guide their kids and offer the activities and games that will develop the skills they want to encourage most. For the very same reason, a kids playhouse is a great tool for families that choose to homeschool.

Today many experts claim that statistically, kids that grow up on lakesides, in rural areas, and those who had a chance to play outdoors more even if they lived in suburbia grow up to be more environmentally aware, make healthier choices in their future lives and be more considerate about the impact they make on the world.

For Steve and Anna, getting an outdoor playhouse was a great way to make sure that their kids get the most out of their family's lifestyle and the unique environment around them.

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kids Are Not the Only Ones Who Benefit From Their Custom Beachside Playhouse?

When you get an outdoor playhouse, you mostly get it for your kids, of course. All the endless opportunities aside, a kids playhouse is basically the place where they can be themselves entirely. Live their own lives in their own place by their own rules.

It is an opportunity to process new experiences, become more independent, and develop self-esteem.

However, once their custom beachside playhouse arrived, the whole family understood that it was meant for everyone, and everyone will manage to enjoy and benefit from it.

First of all, it turned into a massive DIY project for everybody. They wanted their outdoor playhouse to match the vibe of the whole property. Therefore, they wanted to work through every small detail, from construction and color palette to décor elements and trough pillows inside and outside the playhouse.

And even though their playhouse arrived customized according to their requests, there was still a lot to brainstorm, discuss, and suggest to make this custom beachside playhouse truly theirs.

Moreover, the wooden playhouse, as well as any other property, may need some more attention to detail and thorough maintenance once it is located at a lakeside. The information and maintenance tips they learned for their outdoor playhouse appeared useful for the whole property and allowed kids to learn more about different tools, materials, the elements` effect on them, and ways to prevent it.


Wooden Playhouse in blue color with a white roof and a porch and flower boxes on green lawn with forest on the background by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Bluebird

 White and blue Outdoor Playhouse with covered porch and white roof in a backyard by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Countryside

Pink Wooden Playhouse with a white roof and wooden porch with decorations on green lawn by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Unicorn

Last but not least, this custom beachside playhouse became a perfect centerpiece for the backyard design and a center of gravity for any party and family gathering.

It became so easy to catch up and follow every party theme by customizing the playhouse with DIY garlands and props. Whether it was a princess slumber party or the local Halloween haunted house competition, the custom beachside playhouse was changing with the flow of their imagination, becoming something new and exciting every time!

And no need to rack your brain over the next birthday party. Just one outdoor playhouse can provide endless entertainment opportunities for kids of all ages. Throughout one year, it was an ice-cream kiosk and an art fair, a magical palace for a princess ball, and a superheroes` headquarters. Not to mention the excitement and fun that surrounded the preparation when kids were coming up with the new theme, creating decorations and invitations for their friends!

Final Thoughts

Whether you see an outdoor playhouse as a thrilling toy for your kids, an educational opportunity, or a decoration for your backyard, it will be much more than you can imagine.

As you see from this family's experience with their custom beachside playhouse, what was meant to be a way to encourage kids to spend time outdoors and stay safe at the same time, turned out to be an exciting project and the center of gravity for the whole family. This custom beachside playhouse is now a place for fun and learning, a place for peaceful quiet time, and epic parties for family and friends.

From the moment kids got their outdoor playhouse, this family has learned a lot about each other's interests and passions, learned to let their imagination go, and enjoyed every moment of quality time together, whether they were making paper garlands for a Christmas playhouse decoration or covering their waterfront playhouse with a protective varnish.

Having their own space taught kids responsibilities and helped them to understand why it is so important to keep your place clean and neat and how much fun it is to host a party, invite friends for sleepovers or just have some quiet time gazing at the stars or reading in their cozy private playhouse.

This custom-made playhouse became the true embodiment of this family, a place for fun and learning, a place where lifetime memories and family traditions were born and cherished.    

“If we want our children to move mountains, we first have to let them out of their chairs.”
- Nicolette Sowder

Written by WholeWoodPlayhouses


Red Outdoor Playhouse with white roof, wooden terrace and white wooden fence on green lawn by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Nordic Nario

Wooden Playhouse Natural Wonder in the forest, View from Left, showing Three Windows with Flower Boxes by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Natural Wonder

Kids Wooden Playhouse Plum with red door, flower boxes and terrace in a backyard by WholeWoodPlayhouses

Playhouse Plum